Drag 'n Drop Profitable Conversations!
Multiply your Business with 'Capture Tools'.
Reach Subscribers with Clever Broadcasts.
Improve Performance with Deep Analytics!
Get Instant Access During This Special One-Time Celebratory Charter Launch Right Now!
Sam Bakker
Serial Entrepreneur
Let's Power Up Your Marketing in 2025!
Looking to get more eyeballs on your message?
Then this is for you.
Look, you’re not alone. It’s true — we’ve seen it too. Now, more than ever, it’s harder than a woodpeckers lips to reach your audience. 😕
And if you keep 100% focus on the old, conventional & traditional channels you’ve been using so far...
...without a doubt, you will get left behind.
Here’s Why It’s So Hard To Get Your
Message Heard Nowadays
Competition is fierce.
The number of advertisers using FB™ and IG™ has doubled in the last 12 months. Crowded!
Flatlining open rates
Inboxing emails is tough! Gmail 'unsubs' your subscribers. And iOS 15 doesn't help you either.
Gambling with Ads.
People lose boatloads of money with ads. Because of iOS 14, Removed Interests & LLAs don't work.
Hard to stand out.
Consumers are “blind” to your ads and messages. Campaigns are getting ignored completely.
See, it’s all due to the "BIG shift"...
Say “Good Bye” to Social Networks?
3.9 billion people use Messaging Apps in 2024
Source: Business Intelligence & Statista
The place to be right now is inside Messaging apps. People spend way more time in Messaging apps than they do on Social Networks!
In 2016, Messaging apps surpassed Social Networks, and 1.6 billion people used Messaging Apps. This raised to 3.6 billion people in 2022.
And Statista is now projecting Message App usage to reach 4.2 billion in 2025! HUGE!
YES – your audience uses Messaging Apps to connect with businesses BIG & small too.
It makes PERFECT sense. The proof is
staring you in the face!
See, you already use Messaging Apps day-in-day-out.
When you wake up, you check your messages. When you go have lunch, you check your messages. And right before going to bed... You do what? — you check your messages!
Not to forget about all moments in-between. 😉
Guess what? Your audience does the exact same:
8 out of 10 adults connected to the Internet use messaging apps – all day every day.
Let's put this into perspective...
See, today we live in an "on-demand" society
We want 'things' on our own time. We decide when we want it. Your audience is no different! Nowadays they expect the on-demand experience, just like we do.
This means your marketing today should have those same on-demand tendencies. Yup, you too need to deliver on your audience's needs instantly...
Plus, you'll want to get on this fast. Because your audience already tuned out of old-school mass-marketing that's impersonal and spammy.
The only way to do this, the only way to cater & deliver your message to your audience in an 'on-demand world' is by providing a conversation through a Chatbot. 🤖
The future of chatbots is more than
'just' conversational...
Bots respond at every time of the day... they allow you to 'be there' without really 'being there'!
And to use conversational marketing at scale, you need a chatbot to automate this... So, you and your business tap into the billions of conversations happening all around you.
Now, whether you like it (or not)... Chatbots are here to stay. 🚀
They're the only way to optimize your current (and new) marketing channels. They help increase reach, boost conversions, maximize your profits, and expand your company…
Ask the BIG guys? Bots aren’t a craze, nor a hype:
“The potential is limitless...”
They paint a pretty nice picture, right?
Now get this... According to Servion, by the end of 2025, 95% of customer interactions with a business will be managed without a human.
And it's already happening...
Google shows you the massive influx in interest in Chatbots — it’s at an all-time high!
YES – Even Google confirms there’s a
desperate need for Chatbots!
Interest in Chatbots is at an all-time high.
Source: Google Trends
Fact is, chatbots will be even more important in the years to come…
The problem right now is...
It’s difficult for entrepreneurs, agencies, and business owners to build automations & market with chatbots. They don’t know where to start – they feel it’s too complicated to get it done.
Let alone building them fast — and exploiting these chatbots — for their own profitable gain…
Because of this — the vast majority is:
Focussing on the wrong platform
Relying on the wrong Messaging App is setting up for failure.
Using complicated software
Following others using expensive, complex & broken software.
Hiring an expensive freelancer
Because they think building bots is a tiring & complicated process
A fearful way to do business
Big Brands Already Use Chatbots
on Messenger & Instagram to…
...For Much Less Than The Old “Traditional” Ad Costs!
Yes — Fortune 500 companies, Start-ups, savvy entrepreneurs, and reputable marketers already use Chatbots. They TAKE MASSIVE ADVANTAGE of Messenger and Instagram!
And as you can see with great results...
Marketing on Messenger is HOT!
Here’s Why Messenger Should Have
Your Undivided Attention!
Neil Patel
Entrepreneur, Investor & Influencer
The Stats DON'T lie
Messenger has a 4 – 10 times better CTR compared to email marketing! A whopping 100% delivery rate AND an average of 82% Open Rates — Now, stop and think about it…
Even GetResponse hates to admit email marketing will be put on the back-burner…
“So, could Messenger kill email?”
“I hesitate to say it… but yes it could. I mean… how could it not? It’s Uber, PayPal, Skype, group chat, thousands of brand bots, dozens of apps – all rolled into one.”
— Posted on the GetResponse.com Blog
See, whether you like it (or not), Messenger blows email out of the water! And it kinda has email-marketing platforms running scared!
However, to say Email Marketing is dead? That's something else.
Sure, email is way harder now than it was years ago...
But by adding Messenger to your Email, you feel like you're back in the good 'ol days of email!
Combine Messenger with email and you amplify your results. Meaning... *Cha-Ching*!
Messenger vs. Email Calculator
Email works. Messenger + Email works better.
Adjust the numbers below and discover how
Messenger stacks up versus email!
Adjust the numbers below to get a picture of your potential revenue.
819 Opens
410 Clicks
406 Sales
Profits: $40,194
220 Opens
22 Clicks
22 Sales
Profits: $2,178
* This calculation is based on average Open Rates and Click Through Rates of Messenger and Email. Respectively, a) Messenger: 82% Open Rate & 50% Click Through Rate per broadcast. b) Email: 22% Open Rate & 10% Click Through Rate per email. The comparison shows what you could potentially earn per promotion.
Ads + Messenger =
Lower CPA
Boost in ROAS
Higher CTR
Increase in sales
And this is only scratching the tip of the "Messenger Iceberg", when we look at Instagram™ ...
Bot Marketing on Instagram™ is on FIRE!
... Still IGNORING Instagram?
Here's Why You Shouldn't ...
1.1 BILLION monthly Instagram™ users
Users spend 30+ minutes/day on Instagram™
200 Million business profile visits per day
2 of 3 IG™ users say it helps trust in brands
60% more interest after seeing products on IG™.
On average, your audience spends over 30 minutes a day on IG™. You and your business should leverage this platform.
Author & Influencer
With over 1.1 billion Instagram™ users per day actively interacting with brands and businesses... automating this with a chatbot is the next logical step.
Entrepreneurs, Agencies & Business Owners Already Use IG™ Chatbots to:
Here's more undeniable proof...
So, can Messenger & Instagram chatbots help the average entrepreneur to boost conversions & sales?
A new way to say 'Hooray’...
Date: February 5, 2025
Re: AI-Powered Conversations Grow Your Business.
Hi fellow entrepreneur
It’s Stefan van der Vlag here, and I felt now is the perfect time for a breath of fresh air.
See, I’ve got some great news… This will help you quadruple profits, boost your conversions, put traffic on steroids – AND it slashes your Ad Spend (up to 8 times)!
As a full-time online digital entrepreneur and marketer for over 10 years, I’ve got quite some experience on what works and what doesn’t… The biggest “take-away”?
Adapt... or die.
Harsh? I beg to differ.
See, today we live in an on-demand society. We want 'things' on our own time. We decide when we want it. And your audience is no different!
Nowadays they expect the on-demand experience. They are used to it.
They tuned out of old-school mass-marketing which is impersonal and spammy. And if you still focus on the latter - you'll definitely get left behind.
Yup. There’s a new way to get
your message heard
See, today it's not about interrupting your audience anymore - it's about talking with them!
You do this by turning your business into an experience. By providing a conversation with your chatbot... By making it right for each individual, and automating it to deliver at scale.
Have it answer the exact questions your prospects, clients, and customers have and... provide the information they want, when they want it... Catering to their *on-demand* need.
With a bot, you do it all automatically and hands-free... Your chatbot talks to them as if they are the only person in the world and you're able to be there, 24/7, without really being there...
This is how you market to people today and tomorrow.
Use the right tools to help you get what you want — fast and easy
Pop-ups and “exit pages” are all fun. But with the matured Internet today, people are blind to these tactics. Just like they became blind with website banners!
I can’t even remember the last time I clicked on a banner, do you?
The point is… gimmicks are great until they don’t work anymore. It’s a short-term, impersonal, spammy (and unreliable) solution. Savvy as you are…
... you know successful entrepreneurs and business owners use reliable methods. They don’t rely on gimmicks. It's the reason 'why' so many businesses adopted FB™ Messenger & Instagram™ chatbots in their arsenal (and as you've seen with great results...)
... you should definitely follow suit! Even if it's just for this single benefit...
Having prospects interact with your chatbots on FB™Messenger and/or Instagram™ via their phone (or desktop) will... INCREASE your bottom line:
A study on Facebook IQ reported you're far more likely to convert prospects into sales if the first touchpoint is via a chat on their smartphone.
This is an increase of almost 50%! And sure, the purchase journey may as well be longer - But you wouldn't care about this, right?
Of course, you wouldn't! Because it's leading to way more sales and profits for you and your business!
Oh, and guess what?
Bots on FB™ Messenger and Instagram™ provide you with a *unique* way for your prospects to interact with your business via their smartphone. So listen up…
Till now you’ve been using a couple of ‘methods’ to start with Chatbot Automations…
You ignored the BIG potential of Chatbots on FB™ Messenger & Instagram™
You focus on the wrong Messaging App — setting yourself up for failure…
You followed the herd and are now using ‘broken’ complicated software.
You hired an EXPENSIVE freelancer because you think chatbots are complicated
Look — You already know FB™ Messenger & Instagram™ are the ‘go-to’ platforms when it comes to making your bot marketing easy, fun & profitable.
(You’ve seen the proof, right? It’s HOT! )
Hiring an expensive freelancer to build your bot should be out of the question. And if till now you thought it was complicated... Wait till you see what we’ve created for you.
It bridges the conversation gap with your customers. Plus, it makes marketing on Messenger and Instagram fun and easy to do... you'll soon realize it does all the hard work for you.
And you shouldn’t “follow-the-herd” in using pretentious and overpriced software either. I mean, someone else might be ‘okay’ with half-working and buggy software...
But, I believe your business deserves the best and so do you, right?
So, when it comes to building chatbots and Marketing on Facebook™ Messenger and Instagram™… You need the right software.
So, be careful of shenanigans!
See, if you’ve jumped on this *super-cool-chatbot-marketing* bandwagon before… chances are you’ve come away with a bloody nose…
...at best you’ve been disappointed.
Not because you’ve been sold a lie… Because you’ve been sold a DUD.
(Yes ManyCrap & ChatFool -- we’re looking at you too…)
Because while all those other tools you’ve seen might talk a good game…
They’re designed for FB™ Messenger and Instagram™ marketing like a bowling ball is designed to fly
See, when it comes to chatbots and marketing… It needs to be clever.
You need a simple overview of your chatbot. And you need to be able to build them fast and easy… Plus you need to be able to make your ideas a reality 100% of the time!
So when we decided to take on the challenge and build our very own Chatbot Creator & Marketing Suite for Messenger (and now Instagram™ too) …
... we knew this was not going to be easy — When I asked the team if it was possible to create the same 'Messenger features' for Instagram™, they said: “... YES — but it's gonna take some time…”
My only concern was… it had to be (at least) 10x better!
So, we designed a solution...
Quadruple Profits & Slash Ad Spend with
Clepher in only 4 Easy Steps!
You're 100% covered by our 30 day money-back guarantee.
Customers Love Clepher!
They are happy like you'll be!
Seeing is believing
Before a public release, we had to make sure to
get phenomenal results with it ourselves:
Adding Chatbots To
Increase ROAS:
Less Friction Equals Improved Conversions:
Slashing Ad Costs to
Quadruple Profits:
As you can see we're getting INCREDIBLE results with Clepher.
And this with just a couple of its features...
So, can you 10.72X your ROAS and quadruple your profits?
To be frank... I don’t know.
Each market and niche are different. However, that’s not the point.
The point is, even at the low-end of the scale you’re still increasing revenue. And increased revenue means you’re still boosting your sales and your profits. 🚀
Now, with that...
You can imagine we were absolutely
THRILLED by these results…
Clepher showed HUGE potential to help entrepreneurs and business owners increase their reach instantly... All by getting stellar conversions that increase sales.
However — boasting our own results isn’t enough...
So we asked a few customers to report back their results…
Here are results our customers have seen:
Clepher works beautifully out of the box
An All-In-One Chatbot Creation & Marketing Suite, including Drag 'n Drop Flows & Powerful
Automation Rules, Growth Tools & Super Fast Broadcasts, Live Chat, and much more…
"Nothing beats this kind of intimacy!"
Wilco de Kreij
Entrepreneur & Legendary Nerd
"We've been using it to make a lot more money for ourselves and our clients. Clepher, and their support team, is incredible!"
- Dave Rotheroe
- Loren West
Connect the dots with one powerful solution
Automate your business from front to back
Send Text
Send Images & GIFs
Quick Replies
Carousel Items
Video & Audio
OTN Message
Apply Tags
Send Files
Send out the PDF or eBook you promised after they subscribed to your chatbot.
Main Menus
Apply Actions
Have your chatbot perform actions based on any conditions you desire.
Expand Your Business on Autopilot
Mark Thompson
Serial Entrepreneur
An All-in-one solution packed with compelling features...
Drag 'n Drop Profitable Conversations!
Supercharge Your Business With Unique Growth Tools
Get "On-Demand Traffic" by Sending Broadcasts
Get Up Close & Personal With Prospects & Customers
Know Exactly Who Your Subscribers Are!
Tell Your Chatbot What You Want It To Do!
Improve Performance with In-depth Analytics!
And that's not all!
Send unlimited messages to your subscribers. You choose your limit.
Install & use Clepher on Unlimited FB™ Pages & IG™ accounts - no per page BS.
Test entire Flows, or all the way down to a single message. Optimize!
5 types of system fields that relate to your chatbot. Speed up bot building!
Randomize your flow distribution. This is great for giveaways!
Make your chatbot come appear like a human by mimicking typing!
Introduce a virtual persona into any chat you have with a subscriber.
Keep an overview by using Go to Flow cards. Send people to other Flows.
Specify keywords that trigger your automated messages.
Stay 100% GDPR compliant with Privacy & Data Checkup tools.
- Bill Marks
"One of the things that I really like about how it works is that you have these automatic connections to software we use all the time."
- Brian Devine
Cool, right?
Clepher not only looks sexy - it does what it says on the tin.
You’re not a marketing hobo…
You and your business deserve the best, right?
So stop relying on broken, beat-down, stinky and expensive chatbot marketing suites that might’ve seemingly done the trick till now…
Instead, use next-gen technology giving you what you need — fast and easy.
Join the family!
Jump in, the water is nice and warm...
Expect Heroic Support
9 out of 10 tickets solved within the hour.
But wait... There's more!
You Get Incredible Value for Your Investment PLUS an EXCLUSIVE Pro Bonus!
Enable "The Hyperdrive" and Get Results at Lightspeed with Clepher Pro!
You do fine with Clepher — however, we want to give you a FULL taste of all we got to offer.
So there you go... experience Clepher Pro’s full-featured power. Enabling you to boost your Messenger and Instagram marketing with chatbots even more.
30-days FREE with your purchase of Clepher:
Speed up with Templates!
Book a room
Install Public & Private Templates in 2 clicks:
Choose Your Desired Template
Install & Launch Your Chatbot
Your Chatbot on Steroids?
Generate Way More Subscribers with Pro!
Test all the tools inside Pro...
... without risk or additional cost for the next 30 days.
Use the Pro tools without any restrictions during this full FREE trial period. And enjoy taking your marketing and company to new levels of profitability!
With that, all new features will all go inside your Pro Edition. Customers who decide to stay get access to more advanced FB™ Messenger and IG™ marketing tools like these at no extra charge!
"I love Clepher, I'm a thumbs-up guy for Clepher because it definitely does bring in business. Their support is top-notch!"
- Jerry Maurer
"They've got ready-made templates ready to deploy in your account and they've been adding templates on a regular basis - Time Saver!"
- Michael Dantzie
Get Unlimited Updates
Clepher is ideal for all walks of weblife ...
Wanting to kick people off the fence and INCREASE their product sales!
Looking to convert more site visitors into leads, and leads into customers
NEW People to Messenger & IG™
Wanting to generate more profits by selling bots to new and existing clients!
To be frank, it really doesn’t matter what you do online. What matters is this:
Are you prepared for the MASSIVE results
Clepher will get you?
Because Clepher's automations will significantly grow your business... No matter what kind of business you run. No matter what your niche is.
Automate your business for growth
Without using chatbots for your business, getting traffic and getting it to convert for you is harder than a woodpecker's lips. You basically are not able to be there 24/7, 365 days a year… and without having the best availability possible, you’re wasting traffic and money.
Clepher is here to change this for you…
This 'bot thing' is NOT some flash-in-the-pan gimmick that’s here today, gone tomorrow… Now more than ever, bots are a must for any business running in today's on-demand society.
So, the question is, are you ready to grow with advanced technology PROVEN to qualify and convert more traffic into leads and sales?
Because with fully automated chatbots you give your leads and customers what they want, when they want it. Saving time and money on both your support AND sales cycles... and, so much more.
Convert more, earn more,
become more.
Simply put, Clepher turns MORE of your traffic into leads and buyers. With an effective strategy to convert more visitors into long-term, loyal customers.
This is based on the PROVEN concept of automating conversations. And Clepher takes it to the next level — expect an increase in leads, conversions, and sales!
Look, you get the point - the truth is this page can even be much bigger, simply because we got so much cool stuff inside. To be honest... the only way you get a real taste - is to simply try us out.
So, we're making it extremely easy for you to get in. You can get access to everything on this page (and more) totally RISK-FREE.
The “Have Your Cake & Eat It” Guarantee!
Clepher 30 Day Risk FREE
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
We're confident you'll love Clepher. That's why you're backed by our solid 30-day money-back guarantee. We're 100% sure you enjoy increasing conversions, generating more leads, and boosting sales with your clepher chatbots. So, we're more than happy to throw in this "test drive" for you.
In the event you're not completely satisfied, not 100% delighted, or entirely jazzed... contact our heroic support staff, available 24/7, and we make sure you receive an immediate and full refund. There are no strings attached, and if you decide to take us up on the guarantee, we'll remain friends. 🙂
Get access RISK-FREE to everything you've seen on this page now. And
get a full 30 days of test-driving, on us, completely FREE!
One of the first benefits customers report after adding Clepher to their arsenal... is the boost in conversions responsible for new profits in their business—just by adding a bot.
So, how much will your conversions and profits increase?
Stop dabbling if chatbots are for you, and start seeing it for yourself. Put
Clepher + the Pro Edition to the test for free for 30 days, on us.
By now, it’s simply time to decide...
...to get in (or not) based on what've you read and seen on this page.
And look, it would be stupid if we were to charge you on a ‘per-page-basis’ (absolutely crazy!) ... still, others do this. That's why you get the ability to add Unlimited FB™ Pages & Instagram™ accounts with your copy of Clepher.
Plus, others charge you upwards of $1,000.00 per year for their broken and pretentious software. Which is nuts! This would only be justified if they would give you a working, accurate and complete software — something like Clepher...
To be frank… when this charter launch is over, prices will be increased to this range too. Because let’s face it, we’re a business too! Though, today is not about us. It’s about you.
Yup. We want to be your stepping stone leading to increased conversions, sales, and profits! It's why we thought about letting it all go for $499.00 a year ...
... at this price, it would STILL be a total no-brainer. However, we realized... at this price we wouldn't be revolutionizing the industry and making a real impact. So…
Today you’ll get in at the absolute ground level
Yes, we want to invite you in on the absolute ground level. Becoming a valued founding member of Clepher in the process.
So today only, you get everything, and you get it all at a single one-time fee.
Of course, you are totally free to accept or refuse this invite. However, as a fair notice to you - when this launch is over, we remove the one-time fee option. Plus, we will remove all bonuses and this discounted deal will never be available again.
Get Instant Access During This Special Celebratory Charter Launch Right Now + All Bonuses!
Use Coupon Code "SPECIAL300" on CheckoutChoose The Best Plan Suiting Your Needs:
This will never be made available
at this price again.
What's Included:
Automate Messenger & Instagram
Access to Audience Management
Access to Audience Segmentation
Access to Live Chat
Access to Customer Chat
Access To Messenger Code
Access To Messenger Links
Access To FB™ & IG™ Ice Breakers
Access To JSON Ad Code
Access To IG™ Story Mentions
Access To Broadcasts
Access To AI Triggers
Access To Flow Composer
Access To Configure
Access To Tags
Access To Custom Fields
Access To Global Fields
Access To Analytics
Access To 50+ Integrations
Integrate Zapier & Integromat
Generate up to 3,000 subscribers
Use on Unlimited FB™ Pages
Use on Unlimited IG™ Accounts
Send Unlimited Broadcasts
Create Unlimited Flows
Unlimited Conversations
24/7 Heroic Support
Clepher Branding Removed
FREE Pro Bonus:
Generate up to 10,000 subscribersAccess to Opt-in Widgets
Access to Checkbox Plugin
Access to FB™ Comments Replies
Access to IG™ Comments Replies
Access to Team Roles
Access to Webhooks
Access to 220+ DFY Templates
Access to Clepher API
Access to Any New Pro features
FREE Other Bonuses:
The Chatbot Checklist ($99)
Chatbot Hero Training ($299)
120+ Messenger Flows ($199)
110+ Instagram Flows ($199)
Customer-Only Community ($99)
Personal DFY Chatbot ($499)
1200 SMS Messages ($99)
Commercial License ($499)
Clepher Lead Kit ($299)
Clepher Agency Kit ($299)
Agency DFY Chatbot ($499)
Founding Member (Priceless)
By getting access now, you get an unlimited account to Clepher for only $399 $99/one-time. Instead of investing MUCH MORE later on. As a special bonus, you get a FREE 30-day trial of the Pro Edition. This continues into $49/mo (normally $199/mo) after 30 days, unless you cancel. You can cancel anytime inside your account. You won't be billed the monthly fee if you do, and you get to keep Clepher!
Not interested in Pro Trial FREE as a bonus
You're 100% covered by our 30 day money-back guarantee.
For a $399 $99 one-time fee, you'll benefit from chatbots that increase conversions, boost sales and grow your company... faster than you can enjoy a nice hot cup of fresh coffee! ☕ Clepher includes unlimited updates & heroic customer support. Questions you have are answered in real-time, 24/7. Prices INCREASE when this is over. This special deal will be gone forever.
Joe Di Siena and Russell Brunson having a good time.
"The speed they create new features, the way they announce things, the way they treat their customers... I've been really, really impressed!"
- Wilco de Kreij
"It's a great app, I love it. Anytime I recommend Clepher to people, they come back and say; Thank you for that recommendation!"
- Neil Napier
You also receive Full Video Training and Heroic Support!
You get access to a growing and crystal clear knowledge base. Including revealing articles and videos that help speed up bot building in case you're lost. Not that you need it, because 'Clepher' is easy to set up! Plus, we keep it updated and continue to add new features like we've been doing for the last 4 years.
And IF you get stuck. You simply send in a support request and before you know it, you set up successful-business-boosting bot campaigns in no time flat—without any guesswork.
"The FREE Trial to Clepher Pro SOUNDS GREAT! But What Happens When My 30 Days Are Up?"
It’s simple. If you decide to keep Clepher Pro past the initial 30 day FREE trial period... you’ll be billed (normally $199/mo) $49/mo starting the month following your initial purchase.
This amounts to yearly savings of $1999,00 - compared to what you’d invest to subscribe to Clepher Pro without a founders discount after this launch is over.
In the unlikely event you find during your 30 day trial you find you’re not:
Then simply cancel Clepher Pro.
You’re not locked into a contract in any way. As long as you cancel within the first 30 days of purchasing Clepher, you won’t be charged an extra penny. Canceling is as easy as clicking a button inside your account. Plus, our heroic support desk is 1 message away, you can ask them to cancel it for you!
In the event you cancel, we’ll remain friends – no hassle and certainly no hard feelings. You’ll still have full access to Clepher if you decide to cancel your Pro trial. Unless you refund your entire purchase of Clepher of course.
Please, do note... the FREE 30-day Clepher Pro trial is an extremely time-sensitive offer. Available only during this initial public launch of Clepher. It will be gone for good.
Oh, one more thing…
GRAB Clepher RIGHT NOW & you
will get all these bonuses 100% FREE!
The Chatbot Checklist
Chatbot Zero to Chatbot Hero!
120+ DFY Messenger Bot Flows
110+ DFY Instagram Bot Flows
Get Community Access
Personal Chatbot
1200 FREE SMS Messages
Founding Member!
Get in Now, and...
Get the Commercial License 100% FREE!
The Commercial License
What Current Customers Do:
They're charging up to $2,000 for their chatbot services. Some charge a fee upfront, some include a monthly recurring management fee. Others jazz up their $2,000/mo paid media service by adding a chatbot as a bonus. The cool part? They save time and make profits faster by leveraging the 220+ templates you get access to as well.
Nothing is stopping you to turn this around within the next 24 hours. Even faster if you have existing clients! Go ahead, put Clepher to work, show what's possible, and charge any markup.
Valued at $499 - yours FREE!
Selling Chatbots is a Breeze!
Clepher Lead Kit
Clepher Agency Kit
Clepher Agency Chatbot
That's a Total Value of $4,589.00! You get all these bonuses FREE with Clepher!
I'm excited to bring you our advanced Chatbot Creator & Marketing suite + all the bonuses! Clepher will help you make your FB™ & IG™ ads substantially more successful! Plus, you’re able to generate and reach more subscribers easily... with way less effort).
No more spending long hours getting this ‘bot thing’ to work for you. No more tedious, time-consuming tasks to build captivating bots. And no heavy dependencies on email marketing!
Look, whether you use your chatbots to improve conversions, increase lead-gen, boost sales, or automate support for your own business, or your clients' businesses...
Building & Marketing with Chatbots is a Breeze with Clepher.
Any business owner, entrepreneur, and marketer can now take marketing to new heights of profitability. Are you ready to dramatically increase your conversions? Boosting leads and sales on your campaigns? Then get Clepher right now.
Look, we’ve shown you proof it works… not only for us but for others as well! And I've got no doubt at all that it will work for you too! But, in the unlikely case it doesn't... With the 30-day no-hassle guarantee, you’re 100% covered. So, why not try it all out RISK-FREE right now?
To your continued success!
P.S. As you can see, I'm going all out on this offer... I don’t want to rush you but remember this is extremely time-sensitive. When the timer hits zero, all that's advertised on this page won’t be available ever again at this price.
Remember you’re totally covered by our 30 day 100% unconditional money-back guarantee. This means you have nothing to lose! YES, even if you decide this is not for you - even after 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds… You'll get every penny transferred back to your account. Plus, we remain friends. Sound good?
Frequently Asked Questions
Every day it’s becoming harder to reach your audience. People open less email and social media is so noisy you can barely see your own posts.
Chatbots on Messenger and Instagram solve this problem. It provides a private channel of communication with each user. It’s instant, interactive, fully automated, and no message ever goes lost.
Look. Anyone caring about their online business cares about communicating with their audience. So, asking if this is for you, isn’t the right question to ask yourself.
The question you should ask yourself is the same question other savvy entrepreneurs, agencies, and business owners are asking:
“Do I care about my business?”
"All your training has helped me a lot. I know I asked a lot of questions, but you come back and answer them completely for me, every time!"
- Michael Jimenez
"We have used several bot-marketing solutions. And after seeing the possibilities, we decided to go and stay with Clepher."
- Peter van Gameren
Clepher works out of the box. No tech-headaches, pinky promise!
Clepher's features help you and your business to grow fast and easy.
We have a combined chatbot marketing & software experience of over 40+ years!
We got 24/7 heroic support. We are here to help you with any questions!
Ready to Get Started?
The Clepher deal includes access to the standard features. When you pick it up with the Pro Bonus, you get a FREE 30-day trial of the Clepher Pro Edition, after which Pro is available for a monthly or yearly fee. The deal does not include Pro beyond the 30-day trial.
This website, this page, and the software are in no way sponsored, administered by, or associated with Google™, Youtube™, TikTok™, Facebook™, Instagram™. Facebook™ and Meta™.