5 Ways Messenger Chatbots Increase & Automate Sales

Stefan van der VlagAutomating Sales


Your business needs to automate sales to grow. Clepher is a chatbot creation and marketing suite for people that want to automate their way to more sales. We provide the tools necessary for your business success, with no coding required! With Clepher, you can automate tasks like creating engaging content, analyzing data from surveys and polls, promoting your products on social media channels, or even building an audience through email capture. All of this is done automatically – so you don’t have to lift a finger!

Sometimes it can feel like a losing fight as you work to make more sales, but there is a way to streamline your sales tactics. Messengers bots help reach consumers when time or attention is limited, and they’ve been shown to increase revenue for entrepreneurs and marketers. You could automate some of your messaging so that you only send the right message to consumers just when they need it. So even if you think you’ve tried all advertising tactics and more or less come up against a roadblock that’s stopping you from you growing your business? Chatbots on Facebook Messenger are an absolute guaranteed way to increase sales.

We’ve put together 5 ways that Messenger bots can increase sales for your business. Using the Clepher suite of tools, you can automate all of these processes to save yourself time and grow your business simultaneously!

1. Improving Brand Awareness

It doesn’t matter how good your product is; if people don’t know about it, they won’t buy it. And to get the word out there in a way that captures attention and drives sales, you need to do more than just rely on traditional marketing techniques.

Add a Messenger Chatbot for Automated Marketing.

When you automate your sales process with a chatbot, you’re giving yourself more time and energy to focus on creating product exposure. For example, have your messenger bot send automated messages that include a hyperlink to your website for people who click the “Contact Me” button on your Facebook page or other social media accounts. Then, when someone clicks on this link, they will be taken to an initial messaging experience where they can ask questions about your products directly through Messenger instead of visiting your website.  

With instant access to real-time customer service just a click away, you make your message more accessible to people who are actively looking for products just like yours. When you automate some of the sales processes, this frees up your time and energy so that you can spend more time creating exposure through social media marketing. You can automate trends and other market conditions, such as new competition from other brands. A bot will be able to provide you with critical insights into customer activity that will help you make better decisions about your product development plans and marketing initiatives.  

How Chatbots Help to Automate Sales?

When it comes to making more sales, one of the most apparent advantages of a chatbot is its ability to automate tedious administrative tasks like responding to customer service requests and scheduling meetings. In addition, a chatbot can automate the collection of leads from consumers who are interested in your products but are not yet ready to make purchases. This information can be used for future marketing campaigns or funneled into an automated sales process that converts these prospects into paying customers.  

Finally, a chatbot can automate the process of marketing your product through promotions and social media campaigns. When you automate these processes to help build brand awareness, consumers will become accustomed to interacting with your business online, which has been proven to increase sales over time.

2. Providing Customer Service

Forbes predicts that 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a human. One way to automate these conversations is with Messenger Chatbots. Chatbot-tech has been around for decades, and in the last few years, it has increased dramatically, moving from novelty to necessity in many cases. Chatbots are an excellent way for entrepreneurs to increase sales by providing meaningful service 24/7 to focus on other aspects of their business and automate some everyday tasks such as generating quotes or answering FAQs about products or services they offer.

Here’s how chatbots automate support conversations:

Many entrepreneurs do not have the resources to hire someone full-time to provide customer service. Using a chatbot, they can automate the most common questions and replies their customers send in an email or any other form. Automating these conversations with chatbots frees up employees’ time so they can focus on other tasks that are more high priority. Let’s have a closer look!

Providing Customer Service

Up to 80% of simple customer support questions can be answered by a chatbot. And while human agents might make errors, chatbots are consistent in the replies and information they provide. Using Conversational Marketing to provide customer service can help you establish a reputation for excellent customer service, encouraging customers to stick around. With personalized messages and the ability to answer a wide range of common questions with searchable responses like FAQs or manuals, bots save your human employees time to focus on more important things such as providing more complex solutions or sales support at crucial points in the conversation.

Conversation Marketing

In 2017, businesses preferred to communicate with 72% of consumers through messaging apps. By 2018, that number increased to 83%. Today, most people simply expect to chat with a chatbot first before being handed over to a human (if at all necessary). With Chatbots, you can automate many of the everyday tasks you used to get human employees for, such as FAQ responses and scheduling appointments. This frees up employee time, which can be used for more profitable things like sales support or one-on-one consulting. By simplifying routine tasks and providing instant answers to customers, chatbots have increased overall engagement rates by 50%.  

Generate Leads

Your website should already be integrated with whatever CRM tool your company uses so it can track all the visitors who come in via the contact page. This is where the bot becomes the hero of the story, capturing all leads generated through chat interactions while also managing their history and providing basic details such as contact information (if they gave it) along with some of their preferences and previous interactions. And if you automate follow-up questions such as asking when would be a great time to call them, this will allow you to use your phone calling resources more wisely in contacting the people who are most interested in your product or service offerings.

Predict Behavior

Chatbots can help generate personalized content based on customer behavior by analyzing historical data from previous conversations held either live or over email/phone calls. You might find that customers who take longer to respond tend to buy more expensive items or find that customers who shop with you only on certain days of the week are more likely to buy a high-ticket item. By analyzing this data over time, your chatbot can automate responses based on these personas to increase sales and automate follow-up questions so you can use your phone calling resources for higher-value prospects. 5) Make Sales

Answering FAQs

All you need to do is set the answers for frequently asked questions, and your chatbot will be able to automate responses based on the keywords you set up. This can be done by creating manual answers or letting AI automate these messages based on keyword triggers. For example, if someone asks where they can buy something, your chatbot could reply with a near-instantaneous automated message that includes items and pricing options before redirecting them to a link with the details on how they can make their purchase.

Creating Surveys

People are becoming used to interacting with bots on social media, so why not use them for surveys? You can automate responses to a written message in the form of questions and answers while presenting it as a survey. This will automate the data collection process and provide you with results in a matter of hours rather than weeks. You can use this to automate data entry for your website, automate responses for customer feedback, or automate questionnaires that customers have to answer before making their purchases. Bot responses are only limited to your imagination. Whatever comes out of the message will always be a unique response specific to that individual, so automate accordingly.

3. Driving Website Traffic 

Of course, more traffic equals more sales. So the more visitors your website gets, the more sales you’ll make. A chatbot helps you generate more traffic quickly; for instance, have your chatbot provide a new link for viewers that leads them to your site’s homepage, the latest blog post, or an individual product page. That way, you can generate more hits and better convert those visits into sales.

A chatbot can drive a ton of traffic to your website by keeping visitors engaged in a conversation. For example, if you automate up to three follow-up questions that allow users to engage with your content, you can drive more traffic and generate more sales – all by providing great experiences for your customers. Your chatbot will automate responses based on keywords or customer actions to generate more clicks to individual product pages. Some of these follow-up questions might include a “Do you want to see the latest deals from us?” or “Which devices are you using right now?” If you automate customized messaging, you can present tailored offers and products to your users based on their specific interests.

Subtle than salesy

As you craft bot sequences to get more web traffic, aim for being more subtle than salesy. For instance, if you’re getting to know a new lead interested in buying your products or service, ask them a question about their interests and then send them a link to relevant content on your site. Once they open the blog post connected with this CTA, it should engage them on your site while also presenting an offer for your product.

Companies like Uber have already shown us that chatbots can automate sales and social media promotion by posting on their behalf when certain events happen. Imagine having one of these work for your business to share new blog posts, images from Instagram or Facebook, or video updates. In nearly every industry, continuous online content offers opportunities to automate social media promotion with a chatbot, requiring reprogramming with each update or change in strategy.

5. Chatbots Automate & Boost Repeat Sales

Chatbots on Messenger not only help make first-time sales but can also encourage repeat sales. For instance, you can ask previous customers about their satisfaction with the purchase they made. Did the process go smoothly? Would they recommend your product/service to a friend? And then guide them to other products that might interest them that are similar in some way. Another technique for ensuring repeat business, especially among new clients, is to send them a discount coupon on their birthday. It’s always helpful to remind people of the positive experience when they first purchased from you and how much it means that you appreciate their business.

So yeah, completing a sale doesn’t always mean a one-time payment. Don’t let that pushy salesperson stereotype keep you from making repeat sales! Once you automate your messaging, it can be just as effective – even for those who don’t want to make another purchase. If someone made a recent purchase and the chatbot detects they have an upcoming event coming up in their calendar, automate a response that could include an offer for early bird access or registration code if they add something else to the cart during this time.

A chatbot can build trust with customers, and the more they trust you, the more likely they are to buy from you again. Instruct your chatbot to inquire about their satisfaction with their previous purchase and steer them toward other products they might find appealing based on their response, especially if they expressed satisfaction with the process. This will also help generate repeat sales too!

5. Offering An Immediate Response

The speed at which we now buy things makes customers impatient. Scientists present evidence that buyers have only 8 seconds to get someone’s attention and make the sale before they lose their chance. Messenger bots are a way to automate customer service and offer fast results, giving entrepreneurs an edge in today’s market. Chatbots allow you to automate responses so that customers can get quick answers without needing to wait on hold or send emails; it’s a way for your business to maintain its competitive edge.

Your bot can automate the gathering and storage of data that are important to your business. You can ask customers for their names, addresses, and emails in a quick chat on Messenger which means you don’t need to pay for expensive call center assistance or put people on hold while you verify information over the phone. Using this feature gives your sales department more time to focus on closing deals rather than filling out forms with hard-to-get info.

Automating Sales and Time-Saving Functions with Messenger Bots

If you are selling something online, then automate sales by automating some of the processes by setting up a Facebook ad that leads users directly into the Messenger chatbot, where they can place an order with one click. Doing so saves you money on ad costs and helps automate your entire sales process.

Messenger bots can automate functions that help you save time and money, such as getting information on the go. You can use Messenger to automate tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending appointment reminders, or setting up shipping details for orders placed on your business website. This is a massive timesaver for businesses because you don’t need to hire someone to manage these things. It allows employees to focus their attention elsewhere and makes customer service faster than ever! You could even automate surveys that ask customers what they want from your business to improve current products or come out with new ones in response to market demand.

6. Automate Sales Sales Through Conversational Marketing

Messenger bots that perform tasks like managing sales (and other day-to-day operations) can help you work smarter. If you’re concerned about chatbot pricing, rest assured that Clepher’s bots operate on a tiered system tailored to your specific needs.  One of the goals of every business is to retain customers and make them repeat purchasers. Messenger bots offer three benefits to help your business get more “returns”: customer service, 24/7 availability, and in-chat buying.

Businesses with a fast response time tend to have higher customer satisfaction rates. With that in mind, having your sales team available 24/7 can make or break you. Messenger bots automate everyday tasks and provide instant responses, ensuring their presence is immediately noticeable and continues to benefit the user afterward. For example, how often do you forget to respond to customer feedback on Facebook? Using a Facebook Messenger bot, you can automate this task efficiently and quickly check what customers have said at any given moment.

Many customers turn to social media for services and products. Your business should be available on the top platforms so you can respond promptly. A Facebook Messenger bot allows your sales team (whether that’s just one person or an entire department) to automate tasks, sending and receiving messages whenever and wherever they need to.

Automating the Purchasing Process

To automate these tasks, why not automate the purchasing process? You can use your Facebook Messenger chatbot to help automate sales and sell goods directly from within the desktop messaging platform. This reduces time-consuming purchases, preventing potential customer loss and frustrating existing ones with technical difficulties.

Automating sales processes will give you more time to focus on other functions of your company. With less time spent on repetitive tasks, you can focus more time and energy on developing new sales strategies, increasing your revenue. When it comes to Messenger bots for sales, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all.

Final Thoughts on Increasing Sales with Messenger Bots 

You can automate your sales processes with chatbots. Messenger bots automate everyday tasks and provide instant responses, making their presence felt immediately—and even after they’ve assisted the user. As you automate more and more of your sales operations, you increase productivity exponentially. This frees up time to work on new strategies that improve your bottom line by growing your customer base and repeat purchases with existing customers!

So, why not automate the purchasing process? You can use your Facebook Messenger bot to help sell goods directly from within the desktop messaging platform. This helps reduce time-consuming purchases, preventing the loss of potential customers or frustrating existing ones with technical difficulties. Automating sales processes will give you more time to focus on other functions of your company. With less time spent on repetitive tasks, you can focus more time and energy on developing new sales strategies, increasing your revenue. As you automate more and more of your sales operations, you increase productivity exponentially.

That said, I hope you loved this article. Have any other tips? Let me know in the comments! As always, I wish you all the best on your journey as an entrepreneur!

Not a Clevernite yet, and interested in the Clepher Facebook bot? Find out what it can automate for your business here. To learn more about our affordable pricing model, check out this page. We are always happy to answer any questions about how we can help automate any aspect of your business!

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