Step-by-Step Guide to Write Chatbot Scripts: Examples and Templates

Stefan van der VlagBest Practice, General, Guides & Resources


Be honest, which welcoming lines would keep you engaged on a website? “Hello, how can I assist you?” or “Hi Adam, it’s a pleasure to have you on board. How can I help you today?” Most likely, the second option would make you feel more valued and appreciated. I can guess what you are thinking – that the second line sounds like a person talking, not a computer program.

That’s exactly how we should write bot scripts – as if we are talking to a friend, not a robot. Chatbots have been gaining popularity over the years due to their ability to provide quick and personalized responses to users. But what sets apart a good chatbot from a great one is its conversational skills, which can only be achieved through well-written scripts.

Studies That Prove the Importance of Well-Written Chatbot Scripts

Plenty of studies have been done on consumer behavior when interacting with chatbots. One thing that stands out is that people are more likely to engage and continue conversing when they feel like they are talking to a human-like entity, rather than just a machine. Hubspot did a study and the results showed, customers really don’t care if they are talking to a bot or a human, as long as their queries get resolved and the conversation feels natural.

A study showed that people would hesitate to talk to a robot on a website, which means chatbots that replicate human-like interactions will only succeed. This is where well-crafted chatbot scripts come into play. Since customers expect a business to be available 24/7, it is essential to have a chatbot that can carry out seamless conversations without any human intervention.

These studies must have shown you that every business desperately needs a chatbot script that is not robotic but conversational. The good news is that you don’t have to be an expert in programming or artificial intelligence to write a good chatbot script.

So, how exactly should you write chatbot scripts? What are the key elements to keep in mind? How can you make your chatbot stand out from the rest? Let’s dive into the process of creating effective chatbot scripts.

What is a Chatbot Script?

Before jumping into how to write a chatbot script, let’s first understand what it actually is. I will try to simplify it for you – a chatbot script is the written content that guides the conversation between a user and a chatbot. Just like how actors follow scripts in movies, chatbots follow scripts to respond to user queries.

Even a chatbot can show images, videos, GIFs, and other media formats to enhance the user experience. To make the conversation more engaging, you can also include interactive elements such as buttons, quick replies, and surveys within your chatbot script.

Chatbot script writing is not like copywriting or content writing. It requires a different approach. You need to know your audience and brand voice and understand how a conversation between two humans would flow.

A well-written chatbot script should have a conversational flow, with clear and concise language. It should also be tailored to suit your target audience and align with your brand’s tone and voice. Creating chatbot scripts might seem daunting initially, but with the right approach, you can create engaging and effective chatbots for your business.

Your chatbot use case might vary – from customer service to lead generation or even entertainment. No matter the purpose, a well-written script is crucial for achieving your desired outcome.

Debugging Myths About Chatbot Scripts

There are a few misconceptions about chatbot scripts that we need to debunk before moving forward.

Myth 1: You need coding skills to write chatbot scripts.

Reality: While some knowledge of coding can be beneficial, it is not necessary for writing a good chatbot script. Clepher’s chatbot platform, for instance, provides a user-friendly interface that allows anyone to create and manage chatbots without any coding knowledge. You just need a predesigned template, and a little imagination—zero coding skills are required!

Myth 2: You must be an AI expert to write chatbot scripts.

Reality: Again, knowing AI can give you a better understanding of how chatbots work, but it is not a prerequisite for writing chatbot scripts. All you need is to let industry-specific chatbot tools handle the AI part while you focus on crafting engaging conversations.

Myth 3: You can’t use humor or informal language in chatbot scripts.

Reality: This is a common misconception that can actually hurt your chatbot’s engagement with users. Just like how we talk to friends and family, chatbots need to have a friendly and approachable tone. This not only creates a more natural conversation, but also helps in building a connection with the user.

Key Elements of an Effective Chatbot Script

Now that we have cleared these myths, let’s examine the key elements to consider while writing chatbot scripts.

1) Conversational Flow

Typically, chatbots designed for customer service use straightforward, conversational structures (conversational flows). The process is organized through actions, which are essentially the foundational components activated by specific triggers or nodes. This mechanism operates on a straightforward conditional logic reminiscent of the decision-making paths found in interactive children’s storybooks. Here, each node instructs the chatbot on its next action, its timing, and the specific criteria that need to be fulfilled to proceed with that action.

Did I explain in a hard-to-understand way? Let me explain: Chatbots follow a decision-making process based on specific triggers set by the scriptwriter. These triggers are prompts or cues that lead the chatbot to provide relevant responses.

Let’s see an example of conversation flow and chatbot script  at Clepher:


Users come and click on the chatbot icon. This is the first trigger that activates the chatbot’s welcome message.

  • Trigger: User clicks on chatbot icon
  • Action: A welcome message appears
  • Criteria for next action: User responds to welcome message
  • Trigger:  User responds to welcome message
  • Action: The Chatbot asks questions to gather information
  • Criteria for next action: The user provides the necessary information
  • Trigger: User provides necessary information
  • Action: Chatbot asks further questions to determine the specific query/inquiry
  • Criteria for next action: User responds with query/inquiry
  • Trigger: User provides query/inquiry
  • Action: Chatbot provides a relevant response or directs the user to the appropriate resource

Now let’s put this flow into a chatbot script:

  • Welcome message: “Hello! I am Clepher, and it’s great to meet you. How can I assist you today?”
  • User responds: “Hi Clepher, I have a question about your product.”
  • Chatbot asks for further information: “Sure! Can you provide me with more details so I can better assist you?”
  • The user provides the information: “I want to purchase a new laptop. Can you recommend any models?”
  • The chatbot asks for a specific query/inquiry: “Of course! Do you have a preferred brand or budget in mind?”
  • The user provides a query/inquiry: “I am open to any brand, and my budget is around $1000.”
  • Chatbot provides relevant responses or directs users to appropriate resources: “Based on your preferences, I recommend checking out our XYZ model. It fits within your budget and has received great reviews from customers. Would you like me to provide a link for more information?”

chatbot script template

Clepher’s chatbot template idea

As you can see, the chatbot script follows a logical flow with specific triggers and actions. This not only ensures a smooth conversation but also helps in providing relevant responses to the user’s query.

How do you determine the best chatbot template that suits your use case and target audience? Let’s explore that in the next section.

Choosing the Right Chatbot Template for Your Use Case

Choosing the right chatbot template is crucial for creating an effective chatbot. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:

  • Identify which chatbot provider offers modifiable templates specific to your industry or use case.
  • Look for chatbot templates that are designed with a conversational and friendly tone.
  • Choose the platform that provides chatbot editor functionality, allowing you to customize the template according to your needs.
  • Look for a platform that helps you create chatbot dialogues directly in the editor, with a visual representation of the conversation flow. This makes it easier to make changes and ensures a logical conversation flow.
  • Consider the level of complexity you need for your chatbot and choose a template that aligns with that.
  • Make sure the chatbot template is compatible across different messaging channels.

There are many options in the market, like Clepher, that offer a wide variety of customizable chatbot templates for different industries and use cases.

2) Personalization

This might seem obvious, but it’s worth emphasizing – personalization is a key element in creating an effective chatbot script. I shared earlier that 63% of users expect personalized experiences from chatbots. Here’s how you can personalize your chatbot script:

  • Use the user’s name in greetings and responses.
  • Ask for their preferences at the beginning of the conversation, such as preferred language or communication style.
  • Incorporate previous interactions or information provided by the user into future conversations.

Personalizing the conversation can significantly improve the user’s experience and create a more engaging interaction.

3)  Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a crucial element when writing chatbot scripts. It allows chatbots to understand and respond to human language in a more natural and conversational manner. When implementing NLP, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use simple and concise language.
  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms.
  • Include a variety of responses to account for different ways users may ask the same question or use different words.
  • Train your chatbot regularly to improve its understanding and response capabilities.
  • Utilize sentiment analysis to gauge the user’s emotions and tailor responses accordingly.

12 Tips to Write Chatbot Scripts the Right Way

Now that you have a better understanding of the chatbot script-writing process, here are some tips to help you write effective scripts:

1) What is the Purpose?

The reasons for adding a chatbot to your platform can differ greatly – whether to provide constant customer support or to gather valuable leads for your business. You might be a business owner, a customer service representative, or a marketer looking to drive engagement and conversions. Knowing your purpose will help you determine the tone, language, and flow of your chatbot script. Whatever your goal may be, having a clear purpose for your chatbots is crucial.

When you establish a defined purpose for your chatbots, it allows you to craft personalized scripts that effectively engage your audience. Take inspiration from successful chatbots; they demonstrate the importance of having a focused objective behind their design and deployment.

Example 1:

A returning customer looking to purchase a product vs. a new visitor seeking general information will have different conversations with the chatbot. Understanding this difference can help you create personalized scripts that cater to each scenario.

Let’s put the example to use and see how the chatbot script for each scenario might differ:

The situation is a returning customer who wants to purchase a product, and the scenario is to convince him that the product is worth buying

  • The chatbot responds: “Hello again! Welcome back to our website. Since this is your second visit, we want to show our appreciation by offering you a special discount on your purchase today. Would you like to hear more about it?”
  • The user responds positively: “Yes, I would love to know more.”
  • Chatbot provides additional details and directs users towards completing the purchase: “Great! Our XYZ product has been receiving rave reviews from our customers, and for good reason. It is known for its durability and effectiveness. Also, don’t forget to use the code ‘XYZ10’ at checkout for a 15% discount. Would you like me to add it to your cart now?”
  • The user proceeds with the purchase: “Yes, please.”
  • Chatbot confirms and provides additional information: “Done! I have added the product to your cart and applied the discount. Is there anything else I can assist you with?”

Note how the chatbot in this scenario acknowledges the user’s previous visit and offers a personalized incentive to make the purchase. This level of personalization can go a long way in creating a positive customer experience.

On the other hand, let’s see how the chatbot script might look for a new visitor seeking general information.

Example 2:
  • Chatbot responds: “Hello there! Welcome to our website. How may I assist you today?”
  • The user responds with a general question: “Can you tell me more about your products?”
  • Chatbot provides an overview of the products and encourages further exploration: “Sure, we offer a wide range of products that cater to various needs and preferences. Our customers highly recommend our XYZ product for its quality and affordability. Would you like to browse through our products now?”
  • User responds positively: “I am a bit short on time, can you tell me which product would be best for dry skin?”
  • Chatbot provides a personalized recommendation based on the user’s question: “Absolutely! For dry skin, our ABC product has been highly rated by customers. It contains nourishing ingredients that deeply hydrate the skin. Would you like to know more about it or add it to your cart now?”

2) Create an Emotional Appeal

Emotions play a significant role in engaging and retaining users when writing your chatbot script. As humans, we are inclined to respond positively to emotional connections. What would be the tone of your chatbot? What would be the style of language? Selective words and phrases can trigger emotions in users, making the interaction more memorable.

Will emojis always work? Will humor be effective only when making a sale? The answer is only the type of business you do will decide this factor. An e-commerce store with a chatbot can use humor to convince customers, while a healthcare business must maintain a serious tone.

Emotional appeal will also vary depending on your target audience. If your chatbot is designed for young adults, you may use more casual and playful language to appeal to their emotions. However, a formal tone may be more appropriate if your target audience is older professionals.

Let’s consider the example of an e-commerce store with a chatbot trying to convince young adults to make a purchase:

Example 1:
  • Chatbot responds: “Hey there! Looking for some retail therapy? Our latest collection is here, and it’s 🔥. Want to see what we have in store?”
  • The user responds positively: “Yes, show me!”
  • Chatbot showcases the products with a playful tone: “Alright, brace yourself for some serious shopping goals 💰. Here are our top picks for the season! Which one caught your eye?”
  • User proceeds with purchase: “I love that dress in red!”
  • Chatbot confirms and adds relevant details: “Awesome choice! That is our best-selling item, and it’s available in multiple sizes. Would you like me to add it to your cart now? Remember, you can use the code ‘NEW10’ for a 10% discount on your first purchase 😉.”

Notice how the chatbot uses emojis and slang to create an emotional connection with the young adult audience. This can make the conversation feel more natural and engaging.

In contrast, let’s see how a chatbot designed for older professionals might approach a similar scenario.

Example 2:
  • The chatbot responds: “Hello, welcome to our store. Would you like to browse through our latest collection?”
  • The user responds positively: “Yes, please.”
  • The chatbot showcases the products in a formal tone: “Great! Our new collection has received rave customer reviews for its high quality and timeless designs. Would you like to look at some of our top picks?”
  • Users might be confused about which product to choose: “I am not sure which would suit me best.”
  • Chatbot provides detailed information and helps users decide: “Not a problem. Our team of fashion experts recommends our red dress for its elegant design and versatility. You can also avail a 10% discount on your first purchase with the code ‘NEW10’. Would you like me to add it to your cart now?”

In this scenario, the chatbot maintains a formal tone and focuses on providing helpful information to assist the user in making a decision. This can convey professionalism and build trust with older professionals.

3) Brevity for Specific Purposes

While it’s important to be personal and emotional in your chatbot script, it’s also crucial to maintain brevity for certain purposes. Not everyone has the time or patience to read through long messages, especially in a chatbot conversation which is supposed to be quick and efficient.

Therefore, it is important to keep your messages concise and to the point. This can help users understand and respond quickly, leading to a smoother experience. Many industry experts recommend using bullet points or numbered lists to highlight important information and make it easier for users to scan through.

For example, let’s see how a chatbot designed for a food delivery service might use brevity effectively.

Example 1:
  • Chatbot responds: “Welcome back! Ready to place your order?”
  • The user responds positively: “Yes, I am craving some pizza.”
  • Chatbot lists the available options: “Great! We have a variety of pizza flavors, such as Margherita, Pepperoni, and Veggie Delight. Which one would you like to order?”
  • The user selects one option: “I’ll have the Pepperoni.”
  • Chatbot asks if the user wants any add-ons: “Excellent choice! Would you like to add any sides or drinks to complete your meal? Shows a bulleted list of available options”
  • User selects one add-on: “Clicks on ‘Garlic Bread'”
  • Chatbot confirms and adds to order: “Done! Your Pepperoni pizza with Garlic Bread has been added to your order. Would you like to proceed to checkout?”

Notice how the chatbot uses brevity and bulleted lists to make it easier for users to select options and add them to their order. This can save time and make the conversation more efficient.

Tips to make your chatbot script more concise:
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight important information
  • Keep 80 to 100 characters per message to maintain readability especially on phones
  • Keep a small interval before and after a message to make it more readable
  • Use shorter sentences rather than long paragraphs
  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse the user
Here is a short example of how a chatbot for a healthcare business can use brevity effectively:
  • Chatbot responds: “Hi there! How can I assist you today?”
  • The user responds: “I am feeling sick.”
  • Chatbot asks for more information in bullet points: “What symptoms are you experiencing? Fever, cough, headache, fatigue?”
  • User selects one option: “Fever and headache.”
  • The chatbot responds with a concise suggestion: “It sounds like you may have the flu. I recommend checking for available appointments at our clinic. Would you like me to schedule an appointment for you?”
  • User confirms: “Yes, please schedule one for tomorrow.”
  • Chatbot confirms and provides further details: “Done! Your appointment has been scheduled for tomorrow at 10 am. Would you like me to send a reminder message an hour before your appointment?”

In this scenario, the chatbot uses brevity to quickly identify the user’s symptoms and suggest a course of action. This can help the user receive prompt medical care while also saving time.  Overall, keeping your chatbot script concise can improve the user experience and make the conversation more efficient.  So, it’s important to strike a balance between being personal and emotional, while also maintaining brevity for specific purposes.

4) Misunderstandings and Error Handling

Now, let’s discuss an aspect of chatbot conversations that can often be overlooked: misunderstandings and error handling. No matter how well-designed your chatbot is, there will always be a chance of misunderstandings or errors occurring in the conversation.

Customers may use slang or abbreviations or input incorrect information. In such cases, the chatbot must recognize and handle these errors effectively.

Here are a few tips for handling misunderstandings and errors in your chatbot script:
  • Use natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand and interpret user inputs or work with a team of experts to fine-tune your chatbot’s language understanding capabilities
  • Use alternative prompts or rephrasing to clarify misunderstandings. For example, if a user inputs “idk”, the chatbot can respond with “I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Can you please provide more information?” Or if a user types “lol” the chatbot can respond with “I’m sorry, I don’t understand that abbreviation. Could you please type out your response?”
  • Provide clear options for users to choose from when necessary. For example, if a user is asked to provide their preferred payment method, the chatbot can display a list of options such as credit card, PayPal, or cash on delivery.
  • Have a fallback plan for when the chatbot cannot understand or handle an error. This could include redirecting the user to a human agent or providing helpful resources such as FAQs or contact information for support.

It’s also important to regularly review and update your chatbot script based on user inputs and interactions. This can help improve its understanding and handling of errors and misunderstandings over time.

5) Close Monitor and Continuous Improvement

Lastly, it’s crucial to monitor and improve your chatbot’s performance continuously. This includes tracking metrics such as conversation completion rates, user satisfaction, and average response time.

If users have any issues or complaints, be sure to address them promptly and make necessary adjustments to the chatbot script. Additionally, regularly updating your chatbot with new information or features can also improve its performance.

By closely monitoring and continuously improving your chatbot, you can ensure that it provides a positive and efficient experience for users.

Let’s say the user has completed their order and is now ready to check out:
  • Chatbot responds: “Great! Your order for a Pepperoni pizza with Garlic Bread has been placed. Would you like to pay now or use cash on delivery?”
  • User selects payment method: “I’ll pay now with my credit card.”
  • Chatbot asks for credit card information: “Please enter your credit card number, expiration date, and CVV code.”
  • The user inputs information and confirms: “1234 5678 9012 3456, 08/22, 123”
  • Chatbot confirms payment: “Thank you! Your payment has been processed. Your order will be delivered shortly. Would you like to save your credit card information for future orders?”
  • Users can choose to save or not save the information.

In this example, the chatbot effectively guides the user through the checkout process and offers a convenient option to save their payment information for future use. It also demonstrates the importance of continuously monitoring and updating a chatbot’s performance to provide a seamless experience for users.

Clepher’s Chatbot script examples and templates

Hundreds of niches and industries can benefit from using a chatbot to improve their customer experience. Here are a few examples of how Clepher’s predesigned chatbot scripts can be customized for different industries:

1) Restaurant Industry

Restaurants often receive a high volume of delivery and takeout orders, which can result in long phone wait times or confusion with online orders. A chatbot can streamline this process by taking orders, scheduling pickup or delivery times, and answering frequently asked questions about menu items or dietary restrictions.

Check this Clepher’s chatbot script template for the restaurant industry:

Use this template

2) Banking and Finance Industry

Customers in the banking and finance industry often have questions about their accounts, transactions, and various financial services. A chatbot can provide quick and accurate responses to these inquiries while also offering additional resources such as account management tools or budgeting tips.

Check this Clepher’s chatbot script template for the banking and finance industry:

Use this template:

3) Healthcare Industry

In the healthcare industry, patients often have questions about appointments, prescriptions, and general health inquiries. A chatbot can help schedule appointments, refill prescriptions, and provide basic medical information in a timely manner.

Check this Clepher’s chatbot script template for the healthcare industry:

Use this template

4) Animal rescue organization

Animal rescue organizations can use chatbots to assist with adoption inquiries, volunteer sign-ups, and donations. A chatbot can also provide information about adoptable animals and upcoming events.

Check this Clepher’s chatbot script template for animal rescue organizations:

Use this template now!

Final Verdict

These are just a few examples of how Clepher’s predesigned chatbot scripts can be customized for different industries. With chatbot builder Clepher’s easy-to-use platform, businesses can easily create and personalize a chatbot to meet their specific needs and improve their customer experience. By implementing a chatbot, businesses can save time, reduce human error, and provide efficient and personalized assistance to their customers.

So why not give it a try? Explore Clepher’s chatbot scripts and see how they can benefit your business today. Go ahead and try Clepher’s chatbot development platform today to enhance your customer service and improve your overall business operations!

Perfect! You have learned key steps and tips for creating an effective chatbot script. Remember, keeping your script conversational, personalized, and user-friendly is the most important aspect. With Clepher’s platform, you can easily create a chatbot that reflects your brand’s voice and provides a seamless experience for your customers.

How to write a chatbot script

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